Message from Police Chief Rabboh
Chief's Message - December 2020
Dear Bergenfield Residents,
We are a community-oriented agency committed to delivering professional police services to Borough of Bergenfield. We strive to improve the quality of life of our residents and visitors through strong values by holding ourselves accountable for our individual and organizational goals. We embrace our diversity and the dignity of each individual and depend on the community's confidence and trust, striving for every contact to endeavor enhancing that relationship. Our positive attitude drives us to view challenges as paths towards accomplishment rather than hurdles.
As your Chief of Police, I am committed to leading the cause in preserving a high quality of life and feeling of safety for Bergenfield's diverse population. I recognize the important role that "commUNITY" plays in fulfilling our obligation in protecting life and property, as well as building confidence and trust. The Bergenfield Police Department strongly believe in community involvement, communication and public awareness. We are active on all main social media platforms and encourage every citizen to interact with us. With contributions from the public, we will constantly evaluate and improve our efforts to enhance public safety and communication with the goal of improving quality of life, while at the same time maintaining respect for individual's rights and human dignity. We take pride in our balancing of quick responses to all crimes with community problem solving and crime prevention approaches.
Our efficiency is at its' best when we work as a team with local residents and businesses. Together, we will continue to make Bergenfield a better place to live, work, and visit for years to come.
Mustafa Rabboh
Chief of Police